Can a Player Hit the Ball Twice in Volleyball | Vlleyball Double Touch

No, a player cannot hit the ball twice in volleyball according to the official rules of the game. It is considered a violation.

Volleyball is a fast-paced and exciting sport that requires precision and skill from all players on the court. One of the fundamental rules in volleyball is that a player is prohibite from hitting the ball twice in succession during a play.

This rule ensures fair play and maintains the integrity of the game. Understanding and following this rule is crucial for players to avoid penalties and maintain a competitive edge on the volleyball court. Let’s delve deeper into the reasons behind this rule and how it impacts the flow of the game.

The Rules

Volleyball, a fast-paced and exciting sport, has specific rules regarding hitting the ball. Understanding the guidelines is crucial for players to compete fairly. Let’s delve into the primary rule and exceptions.

Primary Rule

The primary rule in volleyball states that a player is not allowed to hit the ball twice in succession. This means that after making contact with the ball, the same player cannot touch it again before another player makes a play.


However, there are exceptions to this rule:

  • If a player’s initial contact with the ball is deemed a block, they are allowed to make another hit.
  • In the case of an attack hit, if the ball rebounds off the block and the player makes contact again, it is permitted.
  • During a joust at the net, players can hit the ball multiple times in succession.
Can a Player Hit the Ball Twice in Volleyball



Legal contacts in volleyball pertain to the rules regarding when a player is permitted to make contact with the ball during a game.


Examples of legal contacts include serving the ball to start a rally, setting the ball to assist a teammate in making a play, and spiking the ball over the net to score a point.

Illegal Contacts

In volleyball, the rules regarding hitting the ball twice can often lead to confusion for both players and spectators. Illegal contacts in volleyball can result in penalties for the player or team. Understanding the consequences of illegal contacts, such as double contact, is crucial to maintaining fair play in the game.

Double Contact

Double contact, also known as a double hit, occurs when a player contacts the ball twice consecutively. This can happen during a single attempt to play the ball or across multiple touches by a player or team. It is important to note that intentional or unintentional, any form of double contact is considered illegal in volleyball.


Consequences of making illegal contacts, including double contact, can result in penalties for the player or team. The specific penalties may vary depending on the level of play, but common consequences include the opposing team being awarded a point, loss of rally, or a side-out. It is crucial for players to be mindful of their contacts with the ball to avoid these penalties.

Can a Player Hit the Ball Twice in Volleyball


Common Misconceptions

Many people have misconceptions about the rules of volleyball, especially when it comes to whether a player can hit the ball twice. In this section, we will clarify these misconceptions and address some frequent errors that players make. So let’s dive in and get the facts straight!


First and foremost, it is important to clarify that in volleyball, a player is not allowed to hit the ball twice consecutively. This rule applies to all players, regardless of their position on the court. Once a player has made contact with the ball, they must let it go before contacting it again. This means that a player cannot use both hands or any other body part to touch the ball twice in a row.

Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that there are a few exceptions to this rule. A player is allowed to hit the ball twice in a row if the first contact was a block. In this case, the player who blocked the ball can make an additional contact to prevent the ball from hitting the ground on their side of the net. However, this second contact must be an instantaneous re-direction and not a deliberate attempt to play the ball again.

Frequent Errors:

Now that we’ve clarified the rules, let’s discuss some frequent errors that players make regarding hitting the ball twice. One common mistake is when a player unintentionally hits the ball twice due to a lack of coordination or misjudgment of the ball’s trajectory. This error often occurs during intense rallies or when the ball comes off the net unpredictably.

Another common error is when a player tries to fake a set by quickly contacting the ball twice in a row. While this may seem like an effective tactic to confuse the opposing team, it is considered a violation of the rules. The second contact in this scenario is not instantaneous and is therefore considered a double hit.

Players should also be aware that intentionally hitting the ball twice to gain an advantage or create spin is strictly prohibited. This type of action is deemed as a violation and can result in a point awarded to the opposing team.

Overall, it is crucial for players to understand the rules and avoid these frequent errors when it comes to hitting the ball twice. By doing so, they can ensure fair play and uphold the integrity of the game.

Player Skills

Players must not hit the ball twice consecutively in volleyball; it’s consider a violation. This rule ensures fair play and strategic teamwork during the game. Mastering proper techniques and skills is crucial for volleyball success.

When it comes to playing volleyball, mastering certain player skills is essential for success on the court. Two key factors that determine a player’s ability to hit the ball twice are control and timing. Developing these skills is crucial for effectively executing a second hit that complies with the rules of the game. Here, we’ll delve into the importance of control and timing in improving your technique and achieving a clean second hit.

Control And Timing

Control and timing are two vital components of a player’s skill set when it comes to hitting the ball twice in volleyball. Developing control ensures that you have the necessary precision and finesse to execute your second hit with accuracy. It allows you to direct the ball toward your desired target, whether it be a teammate or an open spot on the opposing court.

Timing, on the other hand, refers to the ability to synchronize your movements with the ball’s trajectory. By mastering timing, you can ensure maximum contact and power when hitting the ball for the second time. It allows you to take advantage of the ball’s movement, positioning yourself correctly to execute the hit effectively.

Improving Technique

To improve your technique and enhance your control and timing, there are several key areas to focus on:

  • Grip: Having the correct grip on the ball is essential for control and accuracy. Make sure your fingers are spread wide, allowing for a secure hold.
  • Footwork: Proper footwork enables you to position yourself correctly for the second hit. Be mindful of your stance and foot placement, ensuring you are balanced and ready to react.
  • Body Positioning: Aligning your body correctly with the ball’s trajectory is crucial for timing and power. Position yourself in a way that allows you to generate maximum force when hitting the ball.
  • Eye Focus: Keeping your eyes on the ball throughout the play helps with both control and timing. Maintain focus and track the ball’s movement to anticipate your next move.
  • Practice Drills: Engaging in specific drills that target control and timing will help you refine your technique. Work on exercises that involve repetitive hitting sequences to enhance your muscle memory and hand-eye coordination.

By honing these aspects of your technique, you can improve your overall skills and increase your chances of successfully hitting the ball twice in volleyball. Remember, practice and dedication are key to mastering these fundamental player skills.

Can a Player Hit the Ball Twice in Volleyball


Coaching Perspective

When it comes to volleyball coaching, understanding the rules and regulations is essential. A coach’s perspective on whether a player can hit the ball twice in volleyball can significantly impact how they train their team. Let’s delve into the coaching perspective and explore the influence it has on drills, training, and emphasizing legal contacts.

Drills And Training

Coaches play a pivotal role in shaping the skills and techniques of volleyball players. When addressing the concept of hitting the ball twice, coaches can devise specific drills to enhance players’ understanding of legal contacts. Drills that focus on hand positioning, timing, and spatial awareness can help players develop the instincts to avoid accidentally hitting the ball twice, thereby promoting adherence to the rules.

Emphasizing Legal Contacts

Emphasizing proper legal contacts in volleyball training sessions is imperative. Coaches should incorporate exercises that encourage players to make clean, decisive contacts with the ball, preventing any potential violations. By integrating visual demonstrations, verbal cues, and real-time feedback, coaches can instill a deep understanding of legal contacts among their players.


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Frequently Asked Questions For Can A Player Hit The Ball Twice In Volleyball

Can A Player Hit The Ball Twice In Volleyball?

No, according to the rules of volleyball, a player is not allow to hit the ball twice consecutively.

What Happens If A Player Hits The Ball Twice In Volleyball?

If a player hits the ball twice in volleyball, it is consider a violation called a double touch, resulting in a point for the opposing team.

No, hitting the ball twice in volleyball is against the rules and is consider a violation.

Why Is Hitting The Ball Twice Not Allowed In Volleyball?

The rule against hitting the ball twice in volleyball ensures fair play and prevents any advantage from double-touching the ball.

Can A Player Hit The Ball Twice During A Block In Volleyball?

No, even during a block, a player is not allow to hit the ball twice consecutively according to the rules of volleyball.


In volleyball, a player cannot hit the ball twice in a row. Understanding this rule is crucial for fair play and effective game strategy. By adhering to this rule, players can maintain the integrity of the game and uphold its competitive nature.

Clear understanding of this rule will enhance every player’s skill and sportsmanship.

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